Key Issues

Coal Seam Gas (CSG) is extracted from deep underground using a drilling process.  The ramifications of this industry are wide and varied, however the key issues have been grouped into:

  • water - surface water, ground water (aquifers) and the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) will be impacted
  • environmental - fragmentation of bushlands impacts flora and fauna
  • health - people exposed to gas infrastructure suffer health impacts
  • community - resilience is eroded by the boom, bust nature of the industry and the prevalent use of Fly In Fly Out (FIFO) workers
  • light pollution - observatories cannot operate due to the light pollution caused by the flaring off of gas
  • fire - fire risk is posed from flaring off

As time goes on, we will seek to infill these aspects with more details, in the mean time, contact us for more information.